Hi Everyone!
I am trying this out and wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day to you! I hope it was a great day for all of you...but I'm missing my Valentine!
David is really enjoying his new job and I think he's doing well. I have a "vague" idea of what he does, and I'm really going to do my best to listen as he explains thing to me! :)
We are all doing well and appreciate your prayers. We have found a house we really like - especially the location. But we need to sell our home here. We continue to pray that God answers this as it seems like the last part of the move that needs to happen.
We love you all! The pictures are of a recent trip to Arizona. The kids and I visted Oatman, AZ with their cousins and our familyh took a trip to the Grand Canyon. It was beautiful!
Also - Charis was baptized a couple of weeks ago and it was a great day!
Love you all!